ABOUT Gems Africa

Know Us Better

Building young women in Africa

The First live digital entrepreneur online show is set to take off

Our vision is to promote the African girl child development and sustainability, thereby increasing gender mainstreaming in all parts and communities of African countries and the world at large.


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Digital Skills

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ini edo

This show aims to empower women entrepreneurs (SMEs).

The show hosted by INI EDO will have participants make a short video on Instagram making a pitch of their business plan ”exiting businesses or start up”, tagging the host and all necessary platform stated, a roundup of (20) twenty person will be announced by the panel of judges after testing spontaneity, proactive and how enterprising they are, the next phase of voting by the online audience through likes and comment, short listing (15) fifteen persons to the final stage, which is the live show and there the winners will be announced.

Empowering women through DIgital Workshops, grants and Business opportunities

Harnessing women's potentials to be leaders,
fore mostly in their lives and in their communities.

Our Media Partners

africa magic
bbc news
silverbird cinemas tv
punch news
vanguard news
the nation news
hip tv
africa magic